“Start here, go anywhere!”
WTPS Gymnasium

The WTPS Gymnasium is located at the rear of the school Accessible from Bradford St.

We hold all school Assemblies in the gym and most other large events such as award nights and fundraisers.


See the list below of the upcoming events held in the gym: 


WTPS Gymnasium
The Middle Years program operates within the Senior School for boys in Years 7 and 8.

The redeveloped Pentreath Building, opened in 2016, has been designed to ensure a seamless transition to Senior School life and the innovative spaces ensure boys have room to learn, collaborate and play. Boys are educated together in a flexible learning environment tailored specifically to their needs. Students are nurtured in a small learning community and we place great importance on our pastoral care approach.

Dianne Dinedios

Upcoming Events in the WTPS Gym

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