“Start here, go anywhere!”

The school has a small canteen that is run by a canteen manager and sells a selection of healthy snacks, drinks and ice-blocks. 

Lunch orders are available Wednesday to Friday and orders can be made online via the Qkr! app prior to 9am. 

The canteen opens for over the counter sales at Friday lunchtime only.

See items available via the Qkr! app (link below).

The school has a small canteen that is run by a canteen manager, parent volunteers and Year 7 students. The canteen opens Wednesday, Thursday and Friday during recess and lunchtime and sells a selection of health snacks, drinks and ice-blocks.

Lunch orders are available Wednesday to Friday. Orders can be made online or written on paper bags and placed in the “lunch basket” in the classroom. This needs to be done as soon as the children enter the classroom.

Canteen Menu

The canteen menu and price list can be found using the following link to the Qkr! app.


Information for ordering and paying for your child’s lunch online
We use QKR (pronounced ‘quicker’) App for this. See below for instructions

1. Download QKR App
2. Create a login
3. Find your school (should come up)
4. Create a profile for your child

(You will have to update this with correct classroom every year)
You should be ready to place an order
Orders can be placed up to 2 weeks in advance
Orders MUST be placed online BEFORE 9am on the day lunch is required as the site is closed after this time.

Canteen Menu
A price list is sent home at the beginning of the year and can be found using the following link.
Information for ordering and paying for your child’s lunch online
We use QKR (pronounced ‘quicker’) App for this. See below for instructions

1. Download QKR App
2. Create a login
3. Find your school (should come up)
4. Create a profile for your child

(You will have to update this with correct classroom every year)
You should be ready to place an order
Orders can be placed up to 2 weeks in advance
Orders MUST be placed online BEFORE 9am on the day lunch is required as the site is closed after this time.