“Start here, go anywhere!”
General Access Guide

Our school opens at 8:35am each morning at which time the gates at Wallack Terrace, Walls Street and Broadbent Terrace will be unlocked and accessible for students and families to enter the school.

For the safety and security of all staff and students, gates are kept locked throughout the school the day until dismissal time at 3:15pm.

General Access Guide
Our school opens at 8:35am each morning at which time the gates at Wallack Terrace and Broadbent Terrace will be unlocked and accessible for students and family to enter the school.

The Walls Street gates are also open at 8:35am and will remain open for the entire day. The other gates are kept locked through the day for the safety and security of all students and staff until dismissal time at 3:15pm.

Please Note;

We ask that all visitors to the school enter the school by the Walls Street entrance and sign in at the front office.

Students arriving at school after the start of lessons must be signed in at the front office by a Parent/Caregiver.